At turns hilarious (particularly enjoyed the photo captions 😆) and thought-provoking, this brilliant post called to mind something else I'd recently read about the potential environmental benefit of switching to a vegan diet: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/20/vegan-diet-cuts-environmental-damage-climate-heating-emissions-study

I see chefs who open vegan restaurants talking about this but I don't know how common this discussion is in the food world outside of that context.

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Trying to improve our “human footprint” to avoid sending the planet into self destruction is quite laudable. There are a lot of options: Veganism and vegetarianism of course, but personally I’d like also to preserve our cultural gastronomic heritage that is made of cheese, honey, meats and fishes. To do so, we need necessarily to increase the quality of the food we eat - as the quality and the price are connected to the well being of the producers and the environment. It’s a very valid point.

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