Noma is closing (yet again) 🙄

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“Oh no...anyways” meme

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I was so excited to see Ynyshir pop up on my screen as the 'future of fine dining' (or 'fun dining' as head chef Gareth Ward calls it). Loved you piece, thank you. I hope you don't mind me sharing my write up of our meal there in 2018 - a celebration of 3 years of running our deli/coffee shop in mind-Wales. I'm no food writer but I had a bit of fun writing this.



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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Author

Your message made me smile so so much! I loved every bit of Ynyshir, there is literally no week passing by that i do not go back and munch on my memories of an incredible dining service, of a walk in a park, and of Gareth Ward's energy - and his team. It is indeed, fun fine dining. The opposite of rigid, old-school service. Punk rock and techno have entered the house :) Thank you for sharing, I loved the Hoisin Duck too! In my case, the Wagyu beef was served as a mind-blowing McDonald's bite I will never forget.

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So, you will know already, but I have to add Nathan Davies to the conversation. Nathan ran the pass in 2018. We sat at the Chef’s table. I know, faff and fluster. But dreamy for us and we were determined not to give the tax man money out of our business so that was our ‘strategic away day’. Nathan has SY23 in Aberystwyth. It is also glorious. One star. More to follow, surely. I love how the ripples flow and great chefs encourage other great chefs.

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Beautifully worded!

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Thank you 😊

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