I just read the Nicolau piece. I would have never in a million years thought someone could write so beautifully about bowel movements and tomatoes!

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I know, right? It’s just mindblowingly brilliant. Her book about her journey in and out kitchens and cauldrons is as faboulous as the best Bourdain, but with more meaning and less addiction.

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Sara, you left me speechless.

I'll leave three kisses here for you and vanish in a cloud of dust.

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I still think bowel movements don't get the attention they deserve in the gastronomic environment. So you can expect some more of that eventually.

Thanks a lot for your kind words <3

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I loved this issue. It exudes all your passion for food writing. And, frankly, I feel a profound envy for it. Positive envy, but still envy. It's great to see how hard you're working to build your writing space and professional career. You're such a talented writer. And, again, that's my envy speaking. 😄

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Thank you Giuseppe 💙 your words means the world to me!

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I felt flattered to find myself and my writing in your words. Thank you!

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You’re welcome! I’ve ordered “Insalate per un anno” and is back home waiting for me ❤️

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The difficult task of building a voice involves listening to the voices of others, nourishing ourselves with them as if they were a plate of food when we are hungry. Thank you for mentioning me among others that I admire and devour myself. Teaching and having one of your students remember you gives meaning to everything. So, thanks thanks thanks. Your voice is powerful and now I am the one who reads you.

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❤️ thank you for your writings, always. They touch deep!

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Jul 15Liked by Gastroillogica

Qué suerte la mía de haberte tenido en aquella habitación hablando del hambre del conquistador. Gracias por tu voz multicultural, plurilingüe y firme. Gracias por tus recomendaciones (sigo a todos los mencionados y mencionadas) y mil gracias por tus palabras que me animan a seguir compartiendo.

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Gracias por todo, siempre. Las semillas que nos plantan los profes y los verdaderos “influencers” crecen en florestas de ideas!

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Thank you so much for the shoutout! I'm always hoping to take the intellectual/scholarly stuff and make it accessible and fun to read, so it's a pleasure to be part of your regular roster.

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And you’re absolutely nailing it! It’s such an important task - bringing scientific literature and art closer to the readership. Thank you 💙

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Jul 15Liked by Gastroillogica

What a delightful post to wake up to-- especially on a day when I'm faced with deciding what to write about next! My style of recipe writing stemmed from a need to thwart plagiarists from lifting and pasting my work. I learned to have fun with them and even utilize them as a storytelling device and have never regretted it.

I makes me so happy you noticed. Thank you!

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I am to thank you for bringing me some of the greatest reading pleasure of all time in this area.

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Jul 15Liked by Gastroillogica

Now I have an extra boost of confidence to start my day!

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Gracias por la mención!

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Siempre 🤩

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My dear young barbarian, I feel really honored to find myself included in this list of monsters, in the good sense of the word, of course. It's always a good idea to die wearing your own boots because, otherwise, you're going to die anyway -eventually- but with feet pain. Always keep your feet fine.

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I could never not include you. The original barbarian, and first barbarian gastronomer of our generation. Whatever the generation may be 💙

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